Learning Outcomes
Course | Learning Outcomes | Graduate Attributes (GA) |
CivE 2xx | | |
CivE 375 | | |
CivE 202 | Learning statistical methods and their application Display, summarize and description of data Performing statistical inference Model building due to its impact for professional engineering practice Learning to do statistical analysis with a computer |
CivE 212 | Identify soil type based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Identify asphalt type based on the following methods: (i) Penetration Grading; (ii) Viscosity Grading; (iii) Performance Grading Describe the properties of hardened Asphalt Concrete, based on the following: (i) Volumetrics; (ii) Hardened Properties Identify the various types of Portland Cenement as recognized in Canada, based on: (i) Classification as listed by the Canadian Standards Association; (ii) Hydration chemistry for each component within Portland cement Design and proportion a concrete mixture Recall terminologies and magnitudes of constants, fundamental to the field of Materials Science, and demonstrate their knowledge through proper usage. Describe different types of bonding, classify materials, and relate the mechanical thermal, electronic and chemical properties of materials to their atomic, molecular, and crystal structures. Relate materials’ elastic-plastic deformation to applied stress, understand the behavior of common defects, and steps to strengthen materials by controlling defects, Describe various processing of metals, alloys, and choose pertinent processes for desired characteristics, using the concepts of diffusion, microstructure, and phase transformation. Predict microstructure and properties of materials based on phase diagrams/phase transformations, and design processing of materials, including heat treatment processes, using the knowledge of TTT and CCT curves. Inspect, analyze, and diagnose corrosion-related problems, and resolve them through recommending proactive and preventive measures. Describe the basics of polymers and ceramics, and identify the structure-property relation of polymeric and ceramic products in engineering. Be familiar with laboratory methods for measuring mechanical properties, microstructure, heat treatment of steels, and corrosion. |
CivE 230 | Predict fluid behavior using knowledge of fluid properties. Solve inviscid flow problems using the Bernoulli equation and mass conservation. Use tables, figures, and the energy equation to solve laminar and turbulent pipe flow problems Perform dimensional analysis, identify important dimensionless parameters and employ similitude. Calculate pressure distributions, forces on surfaces, and buoyancy forces. Use the Navier Stokes equations to solve simple laminar flow problems. Describe the flow field around a typical body immersed in a flow and compute the flow induced drag forces. Explain the concept of the boundary layer. Predict laminar and turbulent boundary behaviour using the von Karman integral equation or empirical equations. |
CivE 252 | Understanding of basic concepts and computational procedures used in plane surveying To be able to estimate the required accuracy of surveying they may be involved in To give an understanding of the interaction and importance of surveying and engineering The use of new and novel measurement techniques not previously a part of surveying Introduction to Geomatics Engineering and its applications |
CivE 262 | Differentiate and manipulate the different types of raw data (structured, semi-structured, unstructured) Demonstrate knowledge of statistical data analysis techniques utilized in engineering decision making Apply quantitative modeling and data analysis techniques to the solution of real world civil engineering problems |
CivE 265-2023 | | |
CivE 272 | Plane stress and strain Stress-strain relationships Stresses and deformations resulting from axial and transverse loads Buckling of columns Torsion of circular sections Combined stress Statically indeterminate problems |
CivE 295-2023 | | |
CivE 406-2023 | | |
CivE 649 | | |
CivE 654 | | |
CivE 674 | | |
CivE 719C | | |
CivE 779A | | |
CIVE 799B | | |
EnvE 322 | Describe common sources of subsurface contamination and associated contaminant characteristics Explain the purpose and general methodology of Phase I and II ESAs Explain the application of ESA standards (CSA Z768-01 and Z769-00) and the “Alberta Environment Tier I and II Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines” Develop a conceptual site model through the preparation of soil cross sections, groundwater elevation contour maps, groundwater flow calculations, and contaminant transport calculations Describe the mathematical basis for contaminant transport model development Apply the above concepts to relevant case studies which demonstrate groundwater remediation initiatives | |
ITS | | |
Math118 | | |
Math117 | | |
MinE 615 | | |
MinE 710 | | |
CivE 635 | | |
CivE 681 | | |
CivE 799A | | |
CivE 684 | | |
CivE 623 | | |
CivE 729A | | |
CivE 616 | | |
MinE 641 | | |
MinE 613 | | |
PetE 636 | | |
PetE 664 | | |
PetE 373 | Determine reservoir petrophysical properties by analyzing laboratory data Determine various formation properties and understand their relevance for oil recovery Estimate oil and gas reserves Formulate concepts of incompressible, slightly compressible and compressible fluid flow in porous media Formulate concepts and use analytical solutions for well-bore flowing pressure of a reservoir in steady-state, transient and semi steady-state flow conditions. Explain and identify different reservoir drive (oil and gas production) mechanisms by analyzing production data Calculate oil and gas production by using reservoir properties and appropriate material balance methods for different types of reservoirs Calculate the rate of water influx into petroleum reservoirs by analyzing production data and reservoir properties |
CivE 524 | Describe the role of microorganisms in processes such as detoxifying contaminated water and soil to reclaim lost resources, converting diffuse energy in waste to form easily used by society, and clean drinking water Explain how environmental/engineering conditions can be manipulated to enhance or retard the above processes Critically analyze and investigate industrial applications of the above concepts Develop a basic understanding of the microbiology and molecular biology tools that can be applied to evaluate the role of microorganisms in environmental systems | |
CivE 607 | | |
PetE 375 | Estimate volume in-place and reserves using geologic and production data. Formulate Monte Carlo simulation to perform probabilistic volumetric calculations. Propose, as part of the team open-ended design assignments, field exploration activities and data collection programs considering uncertainties in the in-place volumes. Apply pressure transient theories to analyze common well tests. Perform decline analysis calculations to forecast production. Build, as part of the team open-ended design assignment, a model of the subsurface conditions from a diverse set of data sources, considering, interpreting and reconciling any discrepancies and uncertainties in the data. Construct tank-based material balance models to predict recovery performance under different drive mechanisms. Assess, as part of the team open-ended design assignment, different field development scenarios and determine the relevant operational parameters using the tank-based material balance models and economic calculations. Construct, as part of the individual open-ended seminar exercises, numerical simulation models to study the effects of reservoir heterogeneities and propose development strategies (e.g., well placement and operational parameters). |
CivE 602 | | |
CivE 603 | | |
CivE 605 | | |
CivE 606 | | |
CivE 608 | | |
CivE 609 | | |
CivE 612 | | |
CivE 614 | | |
CivE 620 | | |
CivE 622 | | |
CivE 395 | Formulate continuum based mathematical models of civil engineering problems. Categorize the different type of basic ordinary and partial differential equations. Solve basic linear ordinary and partial differential equations using analytical and numerical methods. Recognize and solve eigenvalue problems. Relate the physics and mathematical requirements for boundary and initial conditions for the basic ordinary and partial differential equation problems. |
CivE 624 | | |
CivE 628 | | |
CivE 631 | | |
CivE 636 | | |
CivE 641 | | |
CivE 645 | | |
CivE 660 | | |
CivE 661 | | |
CivE 662 | | |
CivE 664 | | |
PetE 694B | | |
CivE 664 | | |
CivE 665 | | |
CivE 670 | | |
CivE 672 | | |
CivE 676 | | |
CivE 680 | | |
CivE 682 | | |
CivE 690 | | |
CivE 695 | | |
CivE 697 | | |
PetE 694E | | |
CivE 611 | | |
CivE 709B | | |
CivE 610 | | |
CivE 709D | | |
CivE 719B | | |
CivE 618 | | |
CivE 729C | | |
CivE 729D | | |
CivE 779B | | |
CivE 779D | | |
PetE 694D | | |
CivE 779C | | |
CivE 789B | | |
CivE 799D | | |
CmE 421 | | |
EAS 210 | Describe the three rock types, explain their classification and identify in-hand specimen; explain how the various types form Define the principles of stratigraphy and historical gelology, and apply these to sample problems in the lab Explain the deformation of rocks, describe the various types of folding and fauling, and interpret/depict these on maps and cross-sections Explain fluvial and glacial processes, products, and features, and identify them on topographic maps and air photos Define and explain the types of mass movements; explain the factors that influence slope stability, and explain prevention/control measures Read and construct topographic and geologic maps and cross-sections as means to record and convey interpretations of Earth data Explain earthquakes and what they reveal about Earth's interior structure and composition; explain the other data that supports this Describe the principal elements and features of plate tectonics and their distribution across the globe Explain the origin and movement of groundwater and the water table, and describe the various types of reservoirs and characteristics Identify and explain the broad categories of resources (e.g. minerals and fossil fuels) and some issue associated with them The Course Outline and Lab Manual contain a complete list of the learning outcomes (14) | |
EAS 222 | | |
ECE 209 | Articulate the basic concepts of electrical circuits such as charge, voltage, current, and power. Calculate the power provided, dissipated, and stored by circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. Formulate Ohm`s law and Kirchhoff`s laws and employ them in the context of electrical circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Recognize circuit elements that are placed in series, parallel, wye, or delta configuration and restructure the circuit accordingly. Design resistive circuits and analyze their DC response using techniques such as nodal analysis, loop analysis, the superposition theorem, the substitution theorem, and the Thévenin/Norton theorems. Analyze the transient behavior of RLC electrical circuits. Design RLC circuits and analyze their steady-state AC response using techniques such as nodal analysis, loop analysis, the superposition theorem, the substitution theorem, and the Thévenin/Norton theorems. Perform the steady-state power analysis of RLC electrical circuits and apply the concepts of complex power and power-factor correction. Design polyphase circuits and analyze them with respect to line currents, line voltage, phase voltages and associated complex power. | |
En Ph 131 | Define and explain fundamental concepts used to describe kinematics and dynamics Identify physical concepts and equations needed to solve problems in dynamics and kinematics symbolically/numerically; justify aproach; evaluate appropriateness Solve dynamic/kinematic equations symbolically and numerically; express solutions with proper symbols and terms, using correct units and proper accuracy Determine uncertainty in measured values, number of significant figures; calculate uncertainties in derived quantities; compare agreement between measured values Derive linear relations b/w measured quantities from theory; plot data with errors; fit data to determine parameters (with errors) using spreadsheets Write report recording exptal data, analysis methods, conclusions with enough detail for someone else to repeat the explanation. |
Encmp 100 | Identify core vocabulary, such as keywords, operators, and functions, of the MATLAB programming language [REMEMBER]. Summarize the input and output arguments of each function [UNDERSTAND]. Demonstrate an understanding of program flow, especially sequential flow, selection, and repetition, and predict the output of short MATLAB programs [APPLY]. Compare different programs for the same purpose in terms of correctness or readability, and explain how one or a few lines of code relates to the program's purpose [ANALYZE]. Critique examples of incorrect or unreadable code, identifying syntax, run-time, logical, or style errors. Assess programs against their stated requirements [EVALUATE]. |
Engg 100 | Create a resume and a cover letter Know about university and engineering academic regulations; the university's student code of conduct and APEGA code of ethics; and, program accreditation matters Recognize the value of academic integrity and impact of cheating and plagiarism Use proper citations in all works Recognize the responsibilities of an engineer towards society, others' health and safety, the environment and place of business Recognize and appreciate the importance of mental health and self-care, and apply concepts to themselves and others Recognize and appreciate the importance and responsibilities of an engineer with respect to inclusivity in society and the work environment Have increased knowledge of the definitions of sexual assault and violence, and of available resources at the U of A Sexual Assault Centre Undertake and complete a simple design project |
PetE 444 | Evaluate natural gas physical properties Characterize gas reservoirs, predict future production rate, and estimate the total reserve by analyzing gas production data. Recognize and be familiar with the foundational aspects of existing techniques for storage and transportation of natural gas. Calculate, as a part of design project, engineering parameters, namely, flow capacity, pressure drop across the pipeline, and number of compressors needed for gas transportation, required for gas transportation by pipelines. Design a pipeline, as an open-ended engineering design project, for gas transportation from a production well to a power plant located far away from the production well, which includes determining, based on ill-defined criteria, (i) a proper route, (ii) number of required compressors, (iii) materials of pipeline, and finally consider environmental concerns and cost optimization for the proposed design. |
Engg 130 | "Conduct basic vector operations for solving engineering mechanics problems such as dot product and cross product using force and position vectors etc. Draw free body diagrams for 2D and 3D particles and rigid bodies. Write & solve force equilibrium equations for particles in 2D and 3D. Calculate the moment of forces in 2D and 3D for solving engineering mechanics problems. Write & solve the force and moment equilibrium equations for rigid bodies in 2D and 3D. Analyze simple structures such as trusses, frames and machines for calculating the internal forces and internal moments. Employ the concept of static equilibrium for evaluation of the friction problems. Calculate centroids, centre of mass, and moments of inertia for application in EngG 130 and in subsequent courses." |
Engg 299 | | |
Engg 400 | Have increased knowledge on the different aspects of the profession (Act, registrations, compliance, licensing requirements) Have increased knowledge on the ceremony of the calling of the engineer Recognize and support the need for the responsibilities of an engineer towards society, others’ health and safety, environmental stewardship, sustainability concepts and the relation of these to continuing professional development and career opportunities; be ready and willing to apply these concepts in their personal and professional lives Have increased knowledge of and critically judge situations that fall under the APEGA code of ethics and recall possible disciplinary actions Recognize and judge situations with ethical implications, argue the ethical nature of the situations, and justify a decision in such a situation Have increased knowledge about concepts of intellectual property Appreciate and indicate their current knowledge base in areas of engineering education |
Engg 404 | Appraise the safety culture of an organization, and influence a positive change in the safety culture of that organization towards an improvement in safety performance. Assess and improve the safety leadership in an organization, and personally contribute to management leadership, commitment and accountability in that organization. Apply four risk assessment tools (checklists, reporting and correcting sub-standard conditions and practices, planned inspections, and hazard assessment audit process) to evaluate workplace safety conditions and practices, recommend management system improvements, and coach workers towards corrective actions to address risks in the workplace. Apply a set of incident investigation and root cause analysis tools to an incident and adapt those tools to a variety of engineering contexts. Link latent causes to management system failures and recommend management actions in order to improve the safety performance of an organization. Organize, coordinate, and lead a team in the application of an incident investigation, root cause analysis, and create and manage recommendations within the context of an organization’s risk management program. Work in a team to apply risk management principles and practices to a loss incident (the team project case study) that encompasses the 28 chapter-level learning outcomes. Prepare a report that is suitable for presentation to professionals and management in an organization. Integrate and apply lessons learned from major case-study loss incidents and from presentations from risk management leaders in industry, government, and institutions. Explain relevant portions of the Province of Alberta Engineering and Geoscientists Act and the APEGA Code of Ethics in the application of risk management within the practice of professional engineering. Recognize a situation where ethics may be called into question, analyse that situation and generate alternatives courses of action, and take appropriate steps to make an informed decision. Examine the ethics of a workplace situation using real-life experience or the team project loss incident, including the ethical dilemma and the actions taken to remain within the scope of ethical practice. |
Engg 420 | To understand and appreciate the requirements in order to create a contract. To create concise and effective contracts. To create effective bidding packages and Instructions to Bidders. To adopt bidding strategies and to prepare bids which are more likely to be successful. To administer projects with a reduced risk of legal difficulty. To recognize when they are involved in a problem with legal implications, to identify the problem, to anticipate the degree of risk and the likely outcomes. To adopt risk avoidance procedures. To obtain legal and other advice in a timely and cost efficient manner. To resolve disputes in a timely and cost efficient manner. | |
EngL 199 | Recall and apply critical elements of effective writing. Recognize and be able to individually create the genres and formats of professional communication, including email and other correspondence, and PowerPoint and other presentations. Apply the basic principles of research, as well as be able to quote, paraphrase and cite information. Construct logical arguments and rhetoric for written communication and oral presentations. |
EngM 310 | Appreciate the concept of time value of money Be familiar with financial terminology Describe types of costs, sources of capital, depreciation methods, and general tax rules Evaluate the profitability of individual projects Compare mutually exclusive projects Evaluate projects (independent or mutually exclusive) considering tax effects Describe and apply general depreciation methods and general tax rules |
EngM 401 | Be familiar with financial terminology Interpret income statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flow Draw and read cash flow diagrams Calculate the net present value of an investment or project Describe the concepts of time value of money and equivalence Calculate values of cash flow at various points in time Evaluate and compare alternative investments of projects |
EnvE 220 | Extrapolate concepts of inorganic chemistry learned in first year undergraduate chemistry courses and apply them to solve environmental engineering problems. Classify and express the properties of water (ions, alkalinity and hardness) in an environmental engineering context. Investigate how contaminants behave in the environment based on principles of phase equilibrium and partitioning, chemical equilibrium and gibbs free energy, acid-base equilibrium, complexes and metal solubility, and redox. Perform water chemistry analyses commonly used in environmental engineering practices through a series of laboratory exercises. Collect and evaluate the laboratory data by writing a laboratory report. |
EnvE 251 | Classify soil based on its formation, composition, and engineering properties Describe the unique behaviour of clay and resulting engineering properties List and describe the different types and functions of geosynthetics Explain mechanisms that impact the engineering behaviour of geosynhetics List and describe the components of concrete and resulting impact on the engineering behaviour of concrete Perform concrete mix designs to meet specified functions | |
PetE 675 | Understand the basic concept of thermodynamics which is the foundation of phase behaviour modelling and other petroleum engineering applications Contrast different thermodynamic conditions which are encountered in petroleum engineering Understand the confinement effect and its implications in petroleum fluid flow and phase behaviour Conduct phase behaviour modelling to obtain petroleum fluid properties at various pressure and temperature conditions. The knowledge from phase behaviour modelling can be applied to on-field decision-making. | |
EnvE 302 | Explain sustainable development and its relation to environmental impact assessment Explain the general environmental impact assessment process Explain Alberta environmental assessment process Explain the federal environmental assessment process Apply basic environmental impact assessment procedures for screening, scoping, impact identification, prediction, evaluation, and mitigation. Apply simple engineering tools to predict environmental impacts on select media Identify general impacts of major engineering projects | |
EnvE 320 | Identify primary environmental factors that govern large-scale hydrologic processes Understand climatic regimes across the world and how are they related to the livelihood of people living in those climatic regimes Apply engineering tools such as Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves to design storms of certain return period for sizing municipal infrastructure Know primary forces that govern soil infiltration processes and how much water is expected to infiltrate to subsoil layers Estimate pollution levels of our contaminated ground and surface water resources using key water quality variables such as BOD5 (5-Day Bio-oxygen Demand) Understand our aquifer systems, and know how to estimate the amount and rate of water retrievable from aquifers | |
EnvE 324 | Explain implications of microbial kinetics, thermodynamics, environmental parameters, and biochemical reaction pathways in biological processes. Define engineering systems for biological processes. Describe approaches used in design and operation of biological treatment processes for waste and wastewater. Demonstrate their ability to prepare preliminary design calculations for biological treatment processes. |
EnvE 325 | Understand the concepts and principles of important physical and chemical processes in environmental engineering, such as coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection Know what major physical and chemical treatment processes will be needed in typical water and wastewater treatment plants Use mass balance to analyze a plug flow or complete mix flow reactor with first order reaction Calculate the volume of sedimentation basin, as an important preliminary design parameter, in typical water and wastewater treatment Calculate the volume or surface area needed, as an important preliminary design parameter, in typical drinking water filtration Determine the dosage needed for disinfection of drinking water. | |
EnvE 326 | | |
EnvE 400 | | |
EnvE 421 | Obtain flow data for and design pipes in a water distribution network using hydraulic modelling software to satisfy applicable design criteria; Analyze chlorine residual decay over time in a water distribution network using hydraulic modelling software; Prepare system head-capacity curves and determine the required system operating point(s); Prepare modified pump curves for parallel pump operation; Calculate the load on a rigid conduit buried in a trench and select appropriate combinations of pipe strength class and bedding type; Design a storm sewer by the spreadsheet method and by using hydraulic modelling software to satisfy prevailing design criteria; and Analyse storm water detention pond performance using hydraulic modelling software. | |
EnvE 423 | Determine the concentration and emission rates of air pollutants at actual and standard conditions using ideal gas law Determine the size characteristics of a particle size distribution using statistical descriptors Determine terminal settling velocity for a particle using Newton and Stokes laws Identify the health and non-health impacts of common air pollutants and the need to regulate them Develop treatment options to control gaseous and particulate air pollutants from industrial air streams, Predict the performance of air pollution control devices Assess indoor and ambient air quality using gas and particle sampling techniques Predict the fate of air pollutants in the atmosphere using principles of meteorology and atmospheric dispersion. | |
EnvE 432 | Define and explain important fundamental and engineering concepts of solid wastes management with respect to sources, composition, properties, collections, disposal and/or transformation processes. Prepare preliminary solid waste engineering design calculations for characterizing waste amounts and properties, and waste collection and treatment facilities Identify relevant legislation and regulations, future trends, and resource recovery options from solid wastes and landfill leachates. Make an oral presentation related to solid waste management, and analyze in a written report. | |
EnvE 434 | Explain the fundamental principles of geomechanics for waste repository design and shallow foundation design Explain the geoenvironmental issues with mine waste and tailings management Explain the fundamental principles of groundwater seepage and contaminant transport Perform basic slope stability and shallow foundation designs Perform basic seepage analyses Design, model and monitor waste management systems (i.e. landfill and tailings dam) | |
Engg 160 |
| |
EnvE 440 | Identify and articulate water or wastewater treatment project needs Select alternative technically appropriate water or wastewater treatment solutions to meet project needs Critically assess and rank alternative water or wastewater treatment solutions with respect to well defined criteria Design water or wastewater unit operations and processes to satisfy pertinent design criteria Prepare and deliver effective presentations Write reports that convey project needs and design solutions clearly and accurately Perform effectively within a design team |
LAW 399 | A basic understanding of the key areas of law related to environ- mental law, including constitutional, regulatory, administrative, tort and contract law The ability to critically analyze practical factual scenarios and apply the legal concepts learned to those facts Recognize and identify potential legal liability and risk | |
MatE 202 | Recall terminologies and magnitudes of constants, fundamental to the field of Materials Science, and demonstrate their knowledge through proper usage. Describe different types of bonding, classify materials, and relate the mechanical thermal, electronic and chemical properties of materials to their atomic, molecular, and crystal structures. Relate materials’ elastic-plastic deformation to applied stress, understand the behavior of common defects, and steps to strengthen materials by controlling defects, Describe various processing of metals, alloys, and choose pertinent processes for desired characteristics, using the concepts of diffusion, microstructure, and phase transformation. Predict microstructure and properties of materials based on phase diagrams/phase transformations, and design processing of materials, including heat treatment processes, using the knowledge of TTT and CCT curves. Inspect, analyze, and diagnose corrosion-related problems, and resolve them through recommending proactive and preventive measures. Describe the basics of polymers and ceramics, and identify the structure-property relation of polymeric and ceramic products in engineering. Be familiar with laboratory methods for measuring mechanical properties, microstructure, heat treatment of steels, and corrosion. |
Math 100 | Find limits of sequences and functions. Determine where a function is continuous/discontinuous Use mathematical induction to prove mathematical statements Find derivatives of functions using the definition of the derivative, as well as rules of differentiation Find tangent lines. Approximate functions using their linearizations or Taylor polynomials Find extreme values of a continuous function on a closed interval Sketch the graph of a function Remember and correctly use the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem Recognize limits involving indeterminate forms and compute them using l"Hospital"s rule Recognize problems on related rates and optimization problems; solve them using the knowledge of derivatives Use Newton's method to approximate roots of equations Set up Riemann sums for a definite integral and evaluate definite integrals of simple functions as the limit of Riemann sums Evaluate indefinite integrals using the substitution rule. Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate definite integrals | |
Math 101 | Calculate integrals by using integration by parts and substitutions Calculate standard trigonometric integrals and integrals of rational functions Test and evaluate if an improper integral is convergent or divergent Find the volume and the area of a solid of revolution, and the length of a curve Solve separable and linear differential equations Applying series tests to decide if a series is convergent or divergent Finding Taylor and Maclaurin series for various functions Estimate the sum of a numerical series and find the error of the estimation Approximate functions by Taylor polynomials and find the error of approximation Solve problems on plane and space parametric curves Understand and work with polar coordinates and polar curves Work with cylindrical and spherical coordinates | |
Math 102 | Vectors: norm/dot product, properties and applications Master the basics of matrix algebra and properties of matrices and applications Systems of linear equations; solution by row reduction; properties and applications Determinants: algebraic/geometric properties; applications; oriented volume Cross product in R3: algebraic/geometric properties; applications Basis/dimension: coordiantes, change of basis; applications Linear/matrix transformations: examples, applications and properties Eigentheory: (orthogonal) diagonalization; applications and properties Complex numbers: algebra and geometry; roots, and roots of polynomials Complex n-space, basic properties and applications to eigenvalues of real matrices | |
Math 201 | Integrate first -order separable, linear, and exact differential equations Solve initial value problems Integrate second-order constant co-efficient equations Solve both homogeneous nd nonhomogeneous second order problems Use Laplace transforms to solve initial value problems Use Laplace transforms for problems with discontinuous sources Use infinite series to solve differential equations Use the convolution theorem for Laplace transforms Solve eigenvalue problems Write formal series solutions for heat and wave equation problems Represent functions defined on intervals using Fourier series Analyze spring-mass, LRC circuits, and resonant systems using differential equations | |
Math 209 | Plot level curves and surfaces for functions of two and three variables Evaluate limits of functions of two or more variables Understand concepts of differentials and chain rules Calculate the rate of change of a function in any direction Maximize and minimize functions using Lagrange Multipliers Evaluate mass, centers of mass, moments of inertia of lamina, solid, cable and surface Evaluate work done by force field Understand concepts of divergence and curl of a vector field Represent surfaces in parametric form and evaluate surface area Understand the significance of Green's, mStokes' and Divergence Theorems |
MecE 250 | Convert simple practical mechanical systems into physical and mathematical models involving rigid bodies Describe the kinematics of planar motion of rigid bodies in terms of a variety of coordinate systems Be proficient in drawing Free Body Diagrams, Kinetic Diagrams and Impulse-Momentum Diagrams and applying these to appropriate problems involving planar motion of rigid bodies Apply Newton's Laws and the principles of Work and Energy and Impulse and Momentum to problems involving planar motion of rigid bodies Apply the principles of Newton's Law and Work and Energy to solve simple problems involving undamped vibration of single degree of freedom mechanical systems | |
Phy 130 | Know the characteristics of simple harmonic motion and use their relationships to explain and predict behaviour of a system Know the three types of damped harmonic motion and be able to use the damping ratio to determine which applies to a system Explain the resonance behaviour of a driven oscillator including the frequency and phase difference between driver and system Know how to use a function to explain a sinusoidal wave and relate the wave properties to terms in the function Apply the principle of linear superposition of waves to understand interference patterns, beats and standing waves Know the basic laws of reflection and refraction and their application for spherical mirrors and thin lenses Know how basic optiical instruments are constructed, how to calculate their performance and some aberrations which affect them Use the wave nature of light to explain and calculate various optical interference effects in thin films Use optical dispersion to explain phenomena like rainbows and be able to calculate the group velocity of a wave in a medium Use Huyghens' principle to calculate simple diffraction patterns and use these to measure properties of slits or light | |
PetE 471 | Identify rock wettability and governing mechanisms for oil trapping. Examine and integrate reservoir rock-fluid properties and propose/screen enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method for oil recovery. Interpret the governing mechanisms during various EOR methods and screening parameters of EOR methods. Explain the concepts of capillary pressure and relative permeability and how they change for a particular EOR process. Carry out water flood calculations for 1D, 2D and 3D reservoirs and estimate oil recovery. Examine the influence of gravity segregation and predict oil recovery. Explain the essentials of surfactant and polymer characteristics, ASP flood, micro emulsions. Appreciate polymer and surfactant selection requirements/property assessment for optimal field performance. Estimate minimum miscibility for gas injections, immiscible gas injection, CO2 injection. Analyze historical EOR pilot/field performance, interpret performance results, derive analogy and lessons learned to integrate into future development strategies. Develop design concepts of EOR (selection of proper method, estimation of recovery performance, cost analysis) as part of an open-ended design project. Apply design procedures for developing EOR field pilot using real field operational parameters, suitable well patterns, various uncertainty criteria and optimization implementation strategies in an open-ended design project considering techno-economical assessment. |
Program and Technical Electives (Civil)1 | | |
Program Electives 1 (Mining) | | |
Program Electives 2 (Mining) | | |
Stat 235 | Learning statistical methods and their appliation Display, summarize and description of data Performing statistical inference Model building due to its impact for professional engineering practice Learning to do statistical analysis with a computer | |
WXEXP 901 | | |
WXEXP 902 | | |
WXEXP 903 | | |
WXEXP 904 | | |
WXEXP 905 | | |
CivE 613 | | |
PetE 475 | Estimate volume in-place and reserves using geologic and production data. Formulate Monte Carlo simulation to perform probabilistic volumetric calculations. Propose, as part of the team open-ended design assignments, field exploration activities and data collection programs considering uncertainties in the in-place volumes. Apply pressure transient theories to analyze common well tests. Perform decline analysis calculations to forecast production. Build, as part of the team open-ended design assignment, a model of the subsurface conditions from a diverse set of data sources, considering, interpreting and reconciling any discrepancies and uncertainties in the data. Construct tank-based material balance models to predict recovery performance under different drive mechanisms. Assess, as part of the team open-ended design assignment, different field development scenarios and determine the relevant operational parameters using the tank-based material balance models and economic calculations. Construct, as part of the individual open-ended seminar exercises, numerical simulation models to study the effects of reservoir heterogeneities and propose development strategies (e.g., well placement and operational parameters). |
MinE 651 | | |
CivE 525 | | |
CivE 678 | | |
CivE 683 | | |
CivE 789A | | |
PetE 520 | Understand basic concepts in rock mechanics; Understand how to assess mechanical rock properties from laboratory testing and well logs; Understand the concept of in situ stress and its assessment; Calculate stress distribution around boreholes; Apply rock mechanics knowledge for wellbore engineering issues such as wellbore stability, sand production, hydraulic fracturing, and wellbore integrity; Apply rock mechanics knowledge for reservoir and ground issues such as reservoir permeability and porosity evolution, caprock integrity, and land subsidence/heave in petroleum, geothermal and carbon storage engineering. | |
PetE 550 | | |
CivE 779E | | |
CivE 789C | | |
MinE 420 | Select equipment based on production requirements, macro and micro considerations and cost considerations. Develop an understanding of the concept of asset management. Use various analytical techniques to manage assets and ensure their optimal performance. Identify and describe roles within the team while being a responsible and respectful member of the team by completing all expected tasks and actively contributing to team discussions |
PetE 477 | Derive governing equations for modeling single- and two-phase flow in subsurface porous media with appropriate boundary and initial conditions Formulate finite-difference and finite-volume approximations for solutions of partial differential equations Compare solutions obtained from numerical and analytical techniques Acquire a working knowledge of commercial reservoir simulation packages Select input parameters for numerical simulation Formulate simulation models representing the static (geological) and dynamic (flow) data, as well as their uncertainties. Design, as part of the team open-ended design project, an optimal field development plan for an improved oil recovery process using simulation tools. |
PetE 377 | Derive governing equations for modeling single- and two-phase flow in subsurface porous media with appropriate boundary and initial conditions Formulate finite-difference and finite-volume approximations for solutions of partial differential equations Compare solutions obtained from numerical and analytical techniques Acquire a working knowledge of commercial reservoir simulation packages Select input parameters for numerical simulation Formulate simulation models representing the static (geological) and dynamic (flow) data, as well as their uncertainties. Design, as part of the team open-ended design project, an optimal field development plan for an improved oil recovery process using simulation tools. |
PetE 478 | Identify the major differences in the recovery mechanisms between steam flooding, cyclic steam stimulation and steam assisted gravity drainage Analyze the phase behavior and physical properties of water, heavy oil and their mixtures Select the most appropriate recovery method for a given heavy oil reservoir based on the reservoir properties Analytically model steam flooding process and apply the analytical models in preliminary engineering design Analytically model cyclic steam stimulation process and apply the analytical models in preliminary engineering design Analytically model steam assisted gravity drainage and apply the analytical models in preliminary engineering design Design steam flooding process for heavy oil recovery Design cyclic steam stimulation process for heavy oil recovery Design steam assisted gravity drainage process for heavy oil recovery Design a thermal recovery process that maximizes the net present value |
ITS El. |
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CS El. C | | |
CS El. E | | |
CS El. M1 | | |
CS El. M2 | | |
CS El. P1 | | |
CS El. P2 | | |
CivE 698 | | |
CS El. P3 | | |
Program Electives 1 (Petroleum) | | |
Program Electives 2 (Petroleum) | | |
MinE 295 | Compare different deposit types for different minerals Explain the lifecycle of a mining operation to non-experts Summarize the viability of surface and underground mining methods Discuss the importance and societal relevance of Mining Perform basic cash flow calculations and economic analyses |
MinE 310 | Assess the quality of data to be used in resource and reserve estimation Infer statistical parameters required for prediction Predict grades at unknown locations within a mineral deposit Calculate the uncertainty in resources at a relevant production scale Formulate a resource classification scheme for public disclosure |
MinE 323 | Describe five parameters of Bieniawski’s Rock Mass Rating system Identify poor and good ground conditions Compare differences between Hoek Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. Differentiate between the in situ and mine induced field stresses. Design rock support system for underground excavations based on the ground conditions and purpose of the excavation. Conduct laboratory experiments to define rock mechanics parameters for different rock types. Calculate factor of safety for various underground and surface excavations. |
MinE 324 | Calculate Powder Factor for blasted rock. Design production and development blasts for surface and underground mines. Categorize bench blasting designs based on their purpose. Classify explosive types based on the DOH classification system Recommend blast design to minimize blasting vibration Describe different mechanisms of rock breakage by blasting Identify and describe roles within the team while being a responsible and respectful member of the team by completing all expected tasks and actively contributing to team discussions |
MinE 325 | Use specialized mine planning software for mine design and scheduling Create and manage drillhole databases Build geological and economic block models Perform a pit limit optimization Carry out an open pit design Present and communicate mine plans in a professional manner. |
MinE 330 | Summarize the characteristics of bulk materials in loading, transport, and storage; Conduct the design of bins, hoppers, and feeders; Discuss various mine transport methods and solve related technical problems regarding carrying capacity and power consumption; Introduce auxiliary mining services including electricity distribution and compressed air supply; Manage one computer software suite assisting the design of silo, belt conveyor, truck fleet, and bulk materials flow. |
MinE 402 | Sustainability and CSR investigation for mining projects Geology and Hydrogeology of mining operation Resource estimation for mining projects Concept plan and geomechanic of mining projects Market economics Pre-feasibility report preparation for mining projects |
PetE 630 | | |
MinE 403 | Assess the feasibility of a mining project with consideration to: Data analysis and interpretation, Mine layout design, Development and production planning/scheduling/Staffing, Equipment selection, Geotechnical, technical, environmental and economical factors, Ventilation, Processing, Economical factors including mining costs, commodity market, etc., Social and environmental impact, Project risk analysis, Mine closure/rehabilitation Operate effectively mine design and optimization software packages. Demonstrate team skills in the management of a project work Demonstrate advanced written and oral communication skills |
MinE 407 | Evaluate main psychrometric properties of air Calculate quantity, pressure drop, and mine resistance for ventilation networks Calculate regulators and booster fans' sizes to achieve desired quantities established by OH&S regulations in mine airways Select the proper fans and their combination from manufacturer's specification sheets Design and evaluate a mine ventilation network in professional ventilation software |
MinE 408 | Recognizes mining's impact on the world and Canadian economy and develops and follows a management process that minimizes project impact Be able to evaluate and value a mining operation Recognizes impact of economics on equipment selection and develops and follows a management process that optimizes selection |
MinE 413 | Differentiate and explain the differences between the different types of surface mining methods. Identify and evaluate core risks in each surface mining method Identify the surface mining method most appropriate for ore extraction from a given deposit based on consideration of cost and market conditions, ore grades and stripping ratios, access, environmental limitations, and available infrastructure Recognize, describe, and evaluate different mine waste structures Identify and describe roles within the team while being a responsible and respectful member of the team by completing all expected tasks and actively contributing to team discussions |
MinE 414 | Sketch simple underground mine layout Recognize terminologies used in underground mining Describe and distinguish the concept of various underground mining methods Rank underground mining methods and select the most appropriate one according to the economics, style of mineralization, and the rock mass classification Design mine stope, pillar, backfill, and blasting in underground mining |
MinE 422 | Understand minings impact on the environment Improve critical thinking skills |
MinE 610 | | |
MinE 612 | | |
MinE 620 | | |
MinE 630 | | |
PetE 295 | Determine reservoir petrophysical properties by analyzing laboratory data Determine various formation properties and understand their relevance for oil recovery Estimate oil and gas reserves Formulate concepts of incompressible, slightly compressible and compressible fluid flow in porous media Formulate concepts and use analytical solutions for well-bore flowing pressure of a reservoir in steady-state, transient and semi steady-state flow conditions. Explain and identify different reservoir drive (oil and gas production) mechanisms by analyzing production data Calculate oil and gas production by using reservoir properties and appropriate material balance methods for different types of reservoirs Calculate the rate of water influx into petroleum reservoirs by analyzing production data and reservoir properties |
MinE 661 | | |
PetE 275 | Name and draw the chemical structures of complex organic compounds in petroleum fluids. Name and classify the five types of petroleum reservoir fluids. Read various types of phase diagrams (pressure-temperature, pressure-volume, and pressure-composition) and correlation charts correctly, in particular, the Cox chart, the Standing – Katz chart, Sutton’s correlation, the Stiff diagram. Understand and use the concepts of pseudo-critical and pseudo-reduced properties of natural gases. Use the compressibility equation of state to determine the phase behavior of the reservoir fluids and/or deduce the physical properties of interest, such as the z-factor, fluid density, fluid compressibility, fluid viscosity and specific gravity of the fluids. Analyze the data of reservoir fluid studies, in particular constant composition expansion, differential liberation and separator test experiments. Determine which correlation equation(s) to use based on the available information / data, and apply them correctly to obtain key parameters such as the formation volume factors, solution gas-oil ratios and the coefficient of isothermal compressibility. Determine the major physical properties of oilfield brines. Use experimental apparatus and methods to measure the properties of petroleum fluids, including viscosity and density and obtain their phase behavior Infer the physical properties of petroleum reservoir fluids underground, as accurately as possible, from the usually limited available data |
PetE 364 | Recognize major components of drilling machinery, how they work and what are the design criteria for their selection and operation. Evaluate accumulated work done by the drilling lines (i.e. ton-mile calculation) and conduct proper slip and cut program to ensure drilling lines are kept in good working conditions at all times during well drilling operations. Develop a well control procedure for safely circulating the gas kick out of the well using Driller’s and Engineer’s methods and determine the kill mud weight, safe circulating drillpipe pressure and drillpipe pressure schedule to be used while circulating the gas kick out of the well. Determine the optimum outer diameter, unit weight and length of drill collars as part of the bottom hole assembly design required for trouble free drilling at given drilling operational conditions. Determine, as part of the design efforts for minimizing drilling cost, appropriate bit selection for initial and subsequent bit runs based on off-set well data, the minimum cost/ft criteria, performance of various drilling bits, and well formation. Determine optimum drill string composition by considering safe operation conditions, minimum overall drill string weight and the cost. Determine drilling fluid rheological properties (such as plastic viscosity, yield point, gel strength) using lab measurements conducted by using API field testing procedures of drilling fluid properties. Determine, as part of an individual open-ended project, required pressure, volumetric flow rate and horsepower capacity of mud pumps used for drilling fluid circulation. Design, as part of an individual open-ended project, a bit hydraulics program to maximize the drilling rate in a vertical well. Design, as part of a group project, optimum well locations and wellbore trajectory for an off-shore field development drilling campaign plan using directional wells. |
PetE 365 | Determine wellbore parameters such as size, temperature and electrical resistivity by using caliper and temperature logs and the information provided on log header. Identify permeable/non-permeable zones using Spontaneous Potential (SP) and/or Gama Ray (GR) logs Evaluate shale content (i.e. volume fraction) of reservoir rocks using SP and/or GR logs Determine type of lithology using cross-plots of neutron porosity, density porosity, and photoelectric factor. Determine reservoir rock porosity using sonic, density and neutron log data Identify presence of natural gas in the reservoir using neutron/density log cross-plots Determine formation water saturation (Sw) using resistivity log data, available petrophysical data, and formation water resistivity from SP log. Identify potential hydrocarbon producing zones using quick-look techniques and porosity/resistivity cross plots (i.e. Picket Cross-plot, Hingle cross-plot) Estimate original and recoverable hydrocarbon volume by combined analysis of open-hole logs. Design diagnostic and predictive tools to characterize unconventional formations using laboratory and log data. Design the optimum perforation intervals for hydrocarbon production, considering economical production rate, water cut, and environmental impacts such as hydrocarbon leakage. |
PetE 366 | Perform inflow and outflow performance analysis of an oil and gas production/injection system Perform multi-phase flow analysis in pipes and restrictions Use relevant software for the multi-phase flow analysis of fluids in the petroleum production system, and use the results to ensure optimal flow from the reservoir to the processing facilities Design some components of the production system from the reservoir to the separator (e.g., select optimum perforation scheme, tubing size, choke size, flowline diameter, and artificial lift system). Undertake an open-ended design project using actual or synthetic well data, which requires students to develop assumptions, and, using sound engineering judgement, to conduct a needs analysis for and complete the design of the production system from the reservoir to the separator. |
PetE 476 | Compare and contrast different well completion methods and identify the most appropriate method for completing a given well considering the on-site environmental conditions. Determine tubing/packer forces considering various downhole temperature and pressure conditions. Determine optimum perforation size and density for a maximum production performance ( i.e. minimize perforation related skin factor and increase production rate) Apply design procedures for executing hydraulic fracturing treatment. Determine the formation pore pressure and fracture pressure gradient of various formations anticipated to be drilled during the construction of a well. Determine the casing setting depth for a planned well construction. Determine composition of casing string (i.e. weight, grade and length of each casing section) considering anticipated collapse, burst and tensile loads such that selected composition will be safe and economic. Determine the cement slurry composition, density, and volume required for the cementing job, and provide the hydraulic design (i.e. determine flow rate, frictional pressure losses, surface injection pressure, effective bottom hole pressure, etc.) of the cement circulation. Design by selection the most appropriate screen size, slotted liner size, and gravel size for effective sand control. Design, as part of a major team open-ended project, a well construction program for a planned well, which includes designing all aspects of casing, cementing and tubing characteristics such that the proposed project will be safe, economic and have the minimum environmental impact. |
PetE 484 | Describe the principles of property evaluation as a function of resource type, economics, technology, risk, policies and markets and how these factors may influence producer choices for property acquisition or disposition, prioritizing projects by economic criteria to add the greatest value to shareholders and considering risk, policy, technological change, environmental and other factors. Use economic tools to rank and evaluate potential oil and gas investments to determine economic sensitivities, major economic drivers and potential mitigation options. Demonstrate proficiency in preparing cash flows and calculating present values for projects of increasing complexity. Contrast the relative impacts of Canadian and international oil and gas policies, regulations and royalty regimes and market forces, on the value of an upstream property. Articulate the technical, international and regional trade and geopolitical factors impacting oil and gas prices. Assess the potential impacts of potential technology changes to the value of oil and gas assets. Recall and explain the wide range of risks which may impact the value of an asset and how those risks might be mitigated. As part of open-ended team projects, conduct high level evaluations of specific assets in specific geographic regions for assets in either: Conventional Oil, Conventional Gas, In-situ Oilsands, Unconventional Hydrocarbons, Offshore developments, or International Operation/Developments , which will require them, in some cases, to locate and infer capital and operating cost information on various types of oil and gas assets; and/or assess the productivity and revenue generated from assets assigned for team projects; and/or assess the characteristics and impacts of a technology on specific assets; and/or assess the impact of policy (government, mineral rights owner and company) of specific projects; and/or assess risks associated with assigned projects and how those risks might be mitigated; and/or, assess how behaviour of commodity markets and transportation infrastructure impact projects. As part of an individual project, research business and development objectives for a range of oil and gas producers and assess them against knowledge of the industry, historical trends and perform a SWOT analysis of the company assigned. Participate actively in open-ended in class discussions of emerging or recently announced changes in the oil and gas industry, locally, regionally and internationally which may impact the value of oil and gas assets of various types. Learn basic principles of team formation, functioning of teams and team self-appraisals. May be part of another course but is required |
PetE 496 | Design a development plan for an oil or gas field considering different options and their comparative analysis. Assess a mature field using fundamental engineering and petroleum engineering concepts. Apply project development skills in a team. Demonstrate the outcome of a design project through written reports and (two) oral presentations equally conducted by all team members. Use economic analyses tool to show that the proposed development plan is economically viable or not. |
PetE 631 | | |
PetE 649 | | |
CivE 728 | | |
PetE 668 | | |
ChE 243 | Understand and apply engineering thermodynamic concepts involving pressure, temperature, specific volume, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, work, and heat Perform 1st law analysis of closed and open engineering devices, systems, and cycles Perform 2nd law analysis of closed and open engineering devices, systems, and cycles Determine properties of matter for use in thermodynamic analysis using: a) property tables, b) ideal gas equations, c) incompressible substance equations, and d) generalized charts Develop problem solving strategies and practices and apply them to solve multi-step problems | |
ChE 312 | Identify the key fluid properties used in the analysis of fluid behaviour Distinguish between steady and unsteady flow Illustrate the differences between differential (microscopic) and integral (bulk) terms and analyses, and explain why the different approaches might be taken Apply appropriate assumptions, simplifications and momentum equation to solve flow problems List the key differences between laminar and turbulent flow Identify and calculate the basic forces acting on fluid control volume during flow using Newton’s second law of motion. Correctly utilize Bernoulli equation and mechanical energy balance to quantify the relationship between energy and flow Calculate frictional losses in straight section of pipes as well as pipe system components. Select appropriate pumps to meet system requirements and identify the parameters to describe pump performance, e.g. head, net positive suction head, shaft power Calculate settling velocities of particulates by writing appropriate force balances Calculate pressure drop in fixed and fluidized beds Identify different regimes in fluidized beds |
ChE 314 | | |
ChE 374 | | |
Chem 103 | Analyze one-electron systems using the Bohr model of atomic structure and some basic quantum principles (Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, dual nature of light and matter, wave functions, probability distributions, quantum numbers). Correlate quantum numbers (n, l, ml, ms) to atomic orbital energies, shapes and spatial orientations. In many-electron systems, predict atomic and ionic ground-state electron configurations and construct electron energy diagrams. Using models of atomic structure, predict trends in periodic properties and reactivity Differentiate between diffent types of bondings including covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding Generate a Lewis structures for covalent molecules and ions and, coupled with the VSEPR and hybridization theories, determine the molecule's geometry, polarity, and bonding (bond order, bond length, strength and energy) Using Molecular Orbital theory assess the bonding (bond order and strength) and magnetic properties in second-row homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules and ions For ideal and real gases, predict and caculate properties (pressure, volume, temperature, moles, molar mass) for pure and mixed gas systems Using molecular structures and intermolecular forces, predict physical predictions (boiling and melting points, vapour pressure, viscosity, capillarity, solubility) for liquids, solids, gases, and solutions Predict physical properties for ionic and metallic solids and use crystal lattice systems to calculate density, atomic radius, and packing efficiency Correctly use personal protective equipment, glassware, equipment (spectrophotometers, pH meters), and techniques (filtration, precipitation, titration) while following WHMIS, chemical safety and chemical disposal guidelines Analyze and interpret experimental results by applying theories learned throughout the course. Report these results with appropriate graphs, tables, and precision | |
Chem 105 | Determine the rate law and order of a reaction from experimental kinetic results. Then apply integrated rate laws to predict amounts of reactants and products, remaining or produced, at any given time of the reaction. Using collision and transition state theories, qualitatively determine what causes a certain reaction to be fast or slow. Assess theoretically proposed mechanisms, with or without a rate determining step, by comparing them to experimental rate laws. Calculate the position of equilibrium for a gas phase reaction for which the equilibrium constant value is either given or is calculated from experimental data. Apply position of equilibrium calculations to acids and bases, solubility and complex formation problems. Determine the bonding and the structure of coordination compounds and use these to predict properties such as isomerism, magnetism and colors. Using the first law of thermodynamics, relate heat and work to the internal energy and enthalpy change. Then calculate enthalpy changes either from experimental measurements (calorimetry) or from tabulated data (bond energies, enthalpies of standard formation). Determine whether a reaction will be spontaneous using the concepts of entropy and the Gibbs free energy by introducing the second and third laws of thermodynamics. And then relate spontaneity to the equilibrium constant. Explore aspects of spontaneous REDOX reactions (Galvanic cells) and non-spontaneous REDOX reactions (electrolytic cells) by calculating cell potentials under standard and non-standard conditions (Nernst equation). Apply the Nernst equation to determine various equilibrium constants (acid/base dissociation constants, Ksp solubility product constants and Kf complex ion formation constants). Explore applications of electrochemistry such as electrolysis, corrosion, batteries and fuel cells. Correctly use personal protective equipment, glassware, equipment (spectrophotometers, pH meters), and techniques (filtration, precipitation, titration) while following WHMIS, chemical safety and chemical disposal guidelines. Analyze and interpret experimental results by appropriately applying theories learned throughout the course. Report these results with appropriate graphs, tables, and precision. |
Chem 371 | | |
CivE 221 | Utilize multidisciplinary approaches such as chemistry, biology, and material balances to provide solutions to environmental problems Develop basic laboratory skills in the environmental engineering practice Identify key control technology for water and wastewater treatment, solid waste management and air quality control Develop simple pollutant transport and fate models | |
CivE 240 | Improve the quality of their technical writing by revising sentences and paragraphs to become more clear and concise. Present and summarize the context and solutions of an engineering problem using collaborative oral presentations. Develop and present written research plans that identify information required to write a formal report and how this information should be discovered and interpreted. Solve problems that encompass several discipline areas (geotech, structures, water resources, construction, transportation, and environmental engineering) using engineering appropriate techniques Individually and collaboratively locate and evaluate information sources critically for accuracy and relevancy by writing literature reviews. Effectively present, criticize, and interpret graphical elements in formal reports and oral presentations. Report on and describe the technical findings of an engineering project at various stages of completion using proposals, technical |
CivE 900 | | |
CivE 250 | Understanding of basic concepts and computational procedures used in plane surveying To be able to estimate the required accuracy of surveying they may be involved in To give an understanding of the interaction and importance of surveying and engineering The use of new and novel measurement techniques not previously a part of surveying |
CivE 251 | Layout a traverse (angles, distances, and leveling) Layout a spiraled highway curve Calculate and locate key points of a vertical curve in the field Locate cross-sections and carry out earthwork calculations along the highway curve Carry out the measurements and produce topographic map Layout a building and calculate the associated earthwork calculations |
CivE 265 | Learn to communicate engineering ideas graphically Learn to take data and transform it into graphic drawings. Learn and understand basic engineering drawing formats. Learn basic 2D and 3D CAD drawing techniques. |
CivE 270 | Plane stress and strain Stress-strain relationships Stresses and deformations resulting from axial and transverse loads Buckling of columns Torsion of circular sections Combined stress Statically indeterminate problems |
CivE 295 | Differentiate between different types of errors and define the error measures in numerical applications. Explain Taylor theorem for smooth function and apply it to find approximations. Identify the error associated with using the Taylor theorem. Differentiate between and utilize bracketing and open methods for finding roots of nonlinear equations. Differentiate between and utilize direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems of equations. Differentiate between and utilize the Newton Raphson method and the fixed point iteration method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Differentiate between and utilize polynomial and piecewise interpolation to fit curves through data points. Differentiate between and utilize linear curve fitting and nonlinear curve fitting to fit models through data points by minimizing the least squares and by using the Mathematica software. Utilize the Forward finite difference, backward finite difference, and centered finite difference basic and high accuracy formulas to numerically calculate derivatives of functions. Differentiate between and utilize the rectangle method, trapezoidal rule method, Simpson’s rules, Roberg’s method, and Gauss quadrature to numerically integrate functions of one variable. Identify the error associated with each method. Differentiate between various types of differential equations and their applications in Engineering. Differentiate between and utilize various explicit and implicit methods to solve ordinary differential equations (Euler, Heun’s, Midpoint, and Ruge-Kutta). Utilize the finite difference method to solve Boundary value problems. |
CivE 303 | Recognize the main characteristics of construction projects and project management, and identify challenges associated with real projects. Identify and describe the various types of project cost estimates, appreciate the relationship between cost and time, and the steps involved in the bidding process. Recall and explain the aspects of scope management and work break down structure. Estimate basic cost and duration for simple construction activities. Apply the critical path method and production planning methodologies to a construction project Explain the challenges associated with managing resources and their effect on project performance. Manually perform resource allocation and leveling. Use scheduling software for resource loading and leveling. Outline the control process used during project execution to manage time and cost. Evaluate project performance using Earned Value Management. Analyze project cash flow, and identify and use alternative ways to improve it. Identify sources of uncertainty in construction projects and apply PERT. Apply alternative scheduling techniques such as Linear Scheduling and the Last Planner System. Recognize the basics principles for Building Information Modeling (BIM), Project safety, quality, risk, and change management. |
CivE 315 | Describe and assess how driver, vehicle, and road characteristics effects the geometric design of highways Conduct and evaluate the outcomes of traffic engineering studies using engineering appropriate techniques Explain the safety management process and formulate strategies to improve traffic safety Describe and explain the different elements of traffic flow theory Explain the design principles for at-grade intersections and intersection control Use equations and procedures to estimate speed and density in order to determine capacity and level of service Describe and explain the major elements of transportation planning Describe and apply the 4-step process to forecast travel demand Apply and compare the results of different evaluation methods based on economic or multiple criteria Explain the factors influencing highway design, and explain the design principles for vertical and horizontal curves. |
CivE 321 | To be able to identify key environmental issues of our watersheds To estimate runoff hydrograph of watersheds using engineering tools such as unit hydrograph To know primary forces behind evaporation and evapotranspiration, the energy-intensive hydrologic process and to be able to estimate them accurately Understand the ice-albedo feedback of the cryosphere and to quantify the spring snowmelt process which is a major contributor to the water supply of Canada How to estimate the global warming potential of greenhouse gases, to select clean energy systems to minimize the carbon footprint of human beings How to project the possible hydrologic impact of climate change to our environment, such as floods and droughts | |
CivE 330 | Predict fluid behavior using knowledge of fluid properties. Solve inviscid flow problems using the Bernoulli equation and mass conservation. Use tables, figures, and the energy equation to solve laminar and turbulent pipe flow problems Perform dimensional analysis, identify important dimensionless parameters and employ similitude. Calculate pressure distributions, forces on surfaces, and buoyancy forces. Use the Navier Stokes equations to solve simple laminar flow problems. Describe the flow field around a typical body immersed in a flow and compute the flow induced drag forces. Explain the concept of the boundary layer. Predict laminar and turbulent boundary behaviour using the von Karman integral equation or empirical equations. | |
CivE 331 | Analyze one-dimensional flows by applying the concept of mass conservation, energy equation and momentum equation; Solve pipe flow problems using the energy equation; Design pumps and turbines for a specific need; Calculate uniform flows, rapid varied flows and weirs for flow measurement; Analyze and design a simple pipe network; Analyze and design simple sewer systems and stormwater systems. |
CivE 739 | | |
CivE 372 | Analyze statically determinate system (stability, equilibrium, axial force, shear and moment diagrams) Compute deflection and slope using classical method (moment-area, double integration) Compute deflection and slope using work-energy method Analyze indeterminate system (reactions, axial forces, shear and moment diagrams) Use static equilibrium method and kinematic method to determine influence lines Understand and use direct stiffness matrix for structural analysis Perform structural analysis using software |
CivE 374 | Determine structural loads and load combinations based on the provisions of the National Building Code of Canada for dead, live, snow, rain, and wind loads; Identify and describe load paths in gravity and lateral load resisting systems in steel framed building structures; Describe fundamental properties of structural steel and the effects these properties have on structural behavior; Apply limit states design principles in determining design forces and resistances; Describe the behaviour and governing failure modes of the principal components of steel structures, including tension members, beams, columns, beam-columns, composite beams, and connections; Analyse and design steel frames, members, and connections to satisfy serviceability and ultimate limit states criteria in accordance with the provisions of CSA Standard S16. |
CivE 381 | Calculate the physical properties and test the compaction curve for soils Evaluate the hydraulic properties of soils and the effects of seepage on the effective stress of soils Estimate the magnitude and rate of consolidation settlement for shallow foundations built on clayey soils Describe the shear behaviour of soil and determine the shear strength parameters of soil under various drainage conditions Assess the factor of safety of soil retaining walls using Rankine's earth pressure theory Carry out lab tests to determine the physical, hydraulic, and mechanical properties of soil and the consolidation behaviour |
CivE 391 | Identify soil type based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Identify asphalt type based on the following methods: (i) Penetration Grading; (ii) Viscosity Grading; (iii) Performance Grading Describe the properties of hardened Asphalt Concrete, based on the following: (i) Volumetrics; (ii) Hardened Properties Identify the various types of Portland Cenement as recognized in Canada, based on: (i) Classification as listed by the Canadian Standards Association; (ii) Hydration chemistry for each component within Portland cement Design and proportion a concrete mixture | |
CivE 398 | Define sets and functions and differentiate between different types of functions. Describe the relationship between real numbers and a continuum. Define and identify the components of linear vector spaces and linear maps between vector spaces. Define the mathematical description of motion as a mathematical function that relates the material points of an object in an “undeformed” or “pre-deformed” state to its “deformed” state. Describe and calculate the uniaxial and three dimensional strain measures. Define the components and the invariants of the Cauchy stress tensor Describe and apply various stress based failure criteria to compute whether the material at a given stress state has failed or not Apply Newton’s equations of equilibrium to a continuum and identify the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium Differentiate between different types of materials (linear vs. nonlinear, , elastic vs. nonelastic, isotropic vs. anisotropic, homogenous vs. nonhomogenous, and viscous vs. nonviscous materials). Differentiate between isotropic, transversely isotropic, orthotropic, and generally anisotropic materials. Identify the relationship between the external loads, the internal forces, and the displacement of for beams under lateral and axial loading. Define and compute the strain energy and potential energy in linear elastic isotropic structures. Explain the concept of minimum potential energy at equilibrium. Identify and apply the principle of virtual work for linear elastic isotropic structures. Use the principle of minimum potential energy at equilibrium to find solutions to the equilibrium equations of various linear elastic isotropic structures. |
CivE 406 | Conduct bid factor analysis to analytically connect total price with unit prices of bid items in balanced and unbalanced bidding. Apply path float based critical path method for project scheduling and project time cost trade-off optimization analysis. Distinguish crew production rate and labor productivity definition, evaluation, and analysis in construction planning. Distinguish components of labor cost and equipment cost and apply practical equations to analyze time-dependent cost elements. Perform integrated analysis for planning, estimating, and scheduling a typical material-handling problem by an equipment-dominant crew and a typical piece-together problem by a labor-dominant crew. Apply network model based non-computer approach to plan the use of finite labor resources and account for complex precedence relationships in critical path scheduling. Analyze “Known Unknowns” for contingency estimating and risk analysis of project schedules by Excel-based Monte Carlo Simulation. Apply a practical optimization approach based on Excel Solver to achieve cut fill balance and minimize earthwork cost in rough grading. Apply mass haul diagram based approach for earthwork takeoff and detailed planning in road construction. Implement an Excel-based earthwork planning method for temporary haul road layout design and total construction cost analysis. Implement integrated project delivery strategy for workface planning, waste reduction, productivity assessment and cost analysis. Tackle problem sets of estimating, planning and scheduling based on real world construction projects integrating knowhow of practitioners and data from 3D engineering software and cloud database. | |
CivE 409 | Identify the necessary operations and activities for earthmoving in accordance with field survey and cost-efficiency. Identify and describe various types of excavation methods based on geotechnical analysis of material property. Select and outline earthmoving equipment according to the condition of earthmoving and tasks requirement. Perform basic estimation on work volume and duration for earthmoving project using mass haul diagram-based approach. Perform economical analysis and design for fleet matching and onsite utilization. Illustrate the project schedule by Gantt chart. Select cranes and other lifting equipment according to their specifications. Perform lift studies for heavy lifts, design for rigging and spreader bar. Design temporary structures including formwork design, shoring, and excavation protection. During the lab: utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM); design a building structure report on planning, scheduling, cost estimating. Identify risks, design in accordance to national and provincial building codes and local bylaw. |
CivE 411 | Analyze a transportation facility for key operational characteristics, using traffic flow theory and traffic engineering concepts Assess and design timing plan at a signalized intersection and coordinate signals on a corridor Perform capacity and Level-of-Service analyses for uninterrupted and interrupted roadway facilities Model transportation demand using 4-step model concepts Explain the key characteristics of urban transportation planning and data collection needs Perform statistical estimation of a linear regression model and basic binary logit model Perform field data collection of basic traffic characteristics (volumes, saturation flow) Choose appropriate resources for analysis of various urban transportation facilities, including transit, roadways, and cycling facilities. | |
CivE 419 | Explore a set of different real-world transportation engineering problems related to transportation planning, road geometric design, traffic impact assessment, and road safety analysis. Analyze a select transportation engineering problem of your choice and explore a list of possible problems by conducting a thorough literature review on the topic of your choice. Apply appropriate data mining and modeling techniques learned in previous transportation engineering courses (e.g., multiple linear regression) to establish a solution mechanism that can be applied to solve real-world problems. Evaluate the worth of possible solutions by conducting a life cycle cost-benefit analysis. Write a formal technical report that is technically accurate and easy to read and comprehend. |
CivE 429 | Increased knowledge of the engineering design process. Gain a better understanding of systems design in a municipal setting. Improve one's ability to learn independently. Develop effective teamwork, time-management and leadership skills. |
CivE 657 | | |
CivE 431 | Classify rivers based on their appearance and assess river behavior according to the category it belongs to. Differentiate uniform flow, gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow, and unsteady flow and perform calculation in each category. Conduct calibration of a hydraulic model towards field measurements utilizing HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Carry out hydrological analysis to calculate runoff from rainfall. Perform frequency analysis to determine design flood for specified return period. Calculate aquifer characteristics using data obtained from observation well(s). Recognize basic river ice processes during freeze-up and breakup periods. | |
CivE 439 | Design hydraulic structures such as spillways, energy dissipators and culverts to professional standards. Design river engineering works such as erosion protection, bridges, cofferdams, water intakes and outfalls to professional standards. Conduct flood plain delineation studies and develop flood mitigation strategies. Demonstrate sound engineering judgement when evaluating design alternatives. Manage a design team’s work including; delegating responsibility effectively, ensuring all team members contribute equally and monitoring progress accurately. Assess the environmental and social impacts of designs. |
CivE 460 | Apply engineering knowledge to a practical open-ended civil engineering design problem Recall elements of the design process Recognize the elements of the reverse engineering design process and apply them to a civil engineering design problem Describe design criteria and their impact on a specific design problem Identify and apply relevant standards and codes for the project Recognize elements of sustainable design Discuss aspects of community and stakeholder engagement Develop a preliminary design Conduct an independent design appraisal of peer’s work Apply design concepts intensive group project and communicate results in a final presentation as a team Work effectively in a group (i.e. demonstrate leadership, act as responsible member of the team, demonstrate time management skills, understand and perform assigned role, actively contribute to team discussion and planning, respect contributions of other team members) Evaluate group member’s performance and respond to instructor’s evaluation of the team | |
CivE 461 | Apply engineering knowledge to a practical open-ended civil engineering design problem Undertake the detailed design process from the preliminary work developed and recommend a final design Conduct independent design appraisal of peers’ work Apply, in a team, management techniques to the different stages of a design project Include economic analysis within design project Work effectively in a group (i.e. demonstrate leadership, act as responsible member of the team, demonstrate time management skills, understand and perform assigned role, actively contribute to team discussion and planning, respect contributions of other team members) Evaluate group member’s performance and respond to instructor’s evaluation of the team Communicate, as a team, the results of a design in both a written document and an oral presentation Assess the social, health, or safety impact of a design on society Analyze environmental impact of proposed engineering project Identifies and accesses appropriate sources of knowledge/ training Evaluates information sources critically for accuracy and relevancy |
CivE 474 | Describe the properties of concrete and steel reinforcement materials; Describe the behaviour and governing failure modes of reinforced concrete members: beams, columns, one- and two-way slabs, and footings; Analyze and design reinforced concrete members to satisfy serviceability and ultimate limit states criteria; Design reinforcing steel in concrete elements to meet design criteria for development length, bar cut-offs, and lap slices. | |
CivE 479 | Design a structure to meet defined specifications based on information synthesized from advanced analyses and relevant codes and standards Participate and contribute effectively in team activities Compute seismic loads on building structures based on the National Building Code of Canada Identify and describe seismic load paths and load-resisting systems in building structures Analyze structural systems consisting of multiple materials under gravity and lateral loads Identify the governing failure modes and design of timber members and their connections Identify the governing failure modes and design of steel seismic force-resisting systems and their connections Identify the governing failure modes and design of reinforced concrete foundation and shear walls |
CivE 481 | Identify soil mechanical properties to be used for geotechnical design Design of shallow foundations using soil mechanics principles Design of deep foundations using soil mechanics principles Design of soil-retaining structures; calculate earth pressures using two earth pressure theories Select the proper soil strength and methods, and assess the slope stability with simple geometries Evaluate geotechnical and geological properties of soils from site investigation methods | |
CivE 489 | Evaluate a set of project requirements and site conditions to develop a site investigation plan to obtain relevant information for geotechnical design Evaluate and synthesize geological and historical formation, site investigation data, and laboratory test results; into a relevant geotechnical model for design and evaluation purposes Apply the concepts of soil mechanics learned in prerequisite courses (CIV E 381 and CIV E 481) and this course to evaluate the physical stability of embankments, foundations, soil cuts and landslides Use specialized software tools to evaluate Cone Penetration Test data, estimate settlements and time to consolidation, and assess the physical stability of embankments, soil cuts and landslides Work as part of a design team to develop an engineering design for one of the option term projects which include: embankments on soft soil, ground excavations, deep foundations Prepare professional design memorandums and reports that address key issues of the geotechnical design project, and justify design decisions and assumptions in front of a technical audience Design an instrumentation layout and monitoring strategy that addresses the expected soil performance during construction in order to manage and mitigate risks |
CivE 526 | Predict the behaviour of a contaminant or group of contaminants in a soil environment Describe and identify significant advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of physical, chemical, and biological treatment technologies for a given contaminated site Identify remediation techniques that can be used to treat a given contaminated soil, taking into consideration the types of contaminants present at the site, the type of soil(s) at the site and the location of the site | |
CivE 601 | |