CivE 460

Civil Engineering Design Project I


First phase of an open-ended capstone design project encompassing a number of civil engineering disciplines. Develop a preliminary design for a project; prepare regular team reports, design memos, engineering drawings and presentations; and present findings during a seminar. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op civil and environmental engineering students.
Prerequisites: CIV E 303, 315, 321, 331, 374, and 381.

Learning Outcomes

Apply engineering knowledge to a practical open-ended civil engineering design problem
Recall elements of the design process
Recognize the elements of the reverse engineering design process and apply them to a civil engineering design problem
Describe design criteria and their impact on a specific design problem
Identify and apply relevant standards and codes for the project
Recognize elements of sustainable design
Discuss aspects of community and stakeholder engagement
Develop a preliminary design
Conduct an independent design appraisal of peer’s work
Apply design concepts intensive group project and communicate results in a final presentation as a team
Work effectively in a group (i.e. demonstrate leadership, act as responsible member of the team, demonstrate time management skills, understand and perform assigned role, actively contribute to team discussion and planning, respect contributions of other team members)
Evaluate group member’s performance and respond to instructor’s evaluation of the team

Lecture Seminar Lab Credits Total AU
3 0/1 3/2 3.75 47.25
M % NS % CS % ES % ED %
0 0 0 0 100

None defined

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Undergraduate Program(s)

2024/2025 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2024/2025 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2023/2024 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2023/2024 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2022/2023 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2022/2023 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2021/2022 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2021/2022 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2020/2021 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2020/2021 - Fall - Civil - Year 4

Sections & Respective Instructors

A1 - 2024/2025 - Fall - Scott Alexander
A1 - 2023/2024 - Fall - Scott Alexander
A1 - 2022/2023 - Fall - Scott Alexander
A1 - 2021/2022 - Fall - Scott Alexander
A2 - 2021/2022 - Fall - Michael Hendry & Farook Hamzeh
A3 - 2021/2022 - Fall - Ying Hei Chui
A4 - 2021/2022 - Fall - David Zhu & Yang Liu
A1 - 2020/2021 - Fall - Scott Alexander
A2 - 2020/2021 - Fall - Michael Hendry & Farook Hamzeh
A3 - 2020/2021 - Fall - Ying Hei Chui & Karim El-Basyouny
A4 - 2020/2021 - Fall - David Zhu & Yang Liu