CivE 411

Transportation Engineering II


Traffic operations and network analysis, traffic stream flow and roadway analysis, weaving and interchange ramp analysis, intersection traffic control measures and control design, progressive signal system design, traffic flow prediction, road network simulation and assignment algorithms, motor vehicle accident analysis; and field data collection method. Prerequisite: CIV E 315.

Learning Outcomes

Analyze a transportation facility for key operational characteristics, using traffic flow theory and traffic engineering concepts
Assess and design timing plan at a signalized intersection and coordinate signals on a corridor
Perform capacity and Level-of-Service analyses for uninterrupted and interrupted roadway facilities
Model transportation demand using 4-step model concepts
Explain the key characteristics of urban transportation planning and data collection needs
Perform statistical estimation of a linear regression model and basic binary logit model
Perform field data collection of basic traffic characteristics (volumes, saturation flow)
Choose appropriate resources for analysis of various urban transportation facilities, including transit, roadways, and cycling facilities.

Lecture Seminar Lab Credits Total AU
3 0/1 3/2 3.75 47.25
M % NS % CS % ES % ED %
0 0 0 50 50

None defined

Undergraduate Program(s)

2024/2025 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2024/2025 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2023/2024 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2023/2024 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2022/2023 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2022/2023 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2021/2022 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2021/2022 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2020/2021 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2020/2021 - Fall - Civil - Year 4
2019/2020 - Fall - Civil-coop - Year 5
2019/2020 - Fall - Civil - Year 4

Sections & Respective Instructors

A1 - 2024/2025 - Fall - Stephen Wong
A1 - 2023/2024 - Fall - Stephen Wong
A1 - 2022/2023 - Fall - Stephen Wong
A1 - 2021/2022 - Fall - Tae Kwon
A1 - 2020/2021 - Fall - Amy Kim
A1 - 2019/2020 - Fall - Amy Kim