CivE 409

Construction Methods



Principles of building, heavy and bridge construction; wood and formwork design, stability during construction, economics of equipment selection, movement of material on construction sites, safety, and constructability issues. Students work in teams on a design project. Prerequisites: CIV E 303 and 372. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students, or by consent of the Department.

Learning Outcomes

Identify the necessary operations and activities for earthmoving in accordance with field survey and cost-efficiency.
Identify and describe various types of excavation methods based on geotechnical analysis of material property.
Select and outline earthmoving equipment according to the condition of earthmoving and tasks requirement.
Perform basic estimation on work volume and duration for earthmoving project using mass haul diagram-based approach.
Perform economical analysis and design for fleet matching and onsite utilization.
Illustrate the project schedule by Gantt chart.
Select cranes and other lifting equipment according to their specifications.
Perform lift studies for heavy lifts, design for rigging and spreader bar.
Design temporary structures including formwork design, shoring, and excavation protection.
During the lab: utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM); design a building structure report on planning, scheduling, cost estimating. Identify risks, design in accordance to national and provincial building codes and local bylaw.

Lecture Seminar Lab Credits Total AU
3 0/1 3/1 4.5 56.7
M % NS % CS % ES % ED %
0 0 0 0 100

None defined

  • Design
  • Individual and team work
  • Communication skills
  • Economics and project management
  • Life-long learning

Undergraduate Program(s)

2024/2025 - Winter - Civil-coop - Year 5
2024/2025 - Winter - Civil - Year 4
2023/2024 - Winter - Civil-coop - Year 5
2023/2024 - Winter - Civil - Year 4
2022/2023 - Winter - Civil-coop - Year 5
2022/2023 - Winter - Civil - Year 4
2021/2022 - Winter - Civil-coop - Year 5
2021/2022 - Winter - Civil - Year 4
2020/2021 - Winter - Civil-coop - Year 5
2020/2021 - Winter - Civil - Year 4
2019/2020 - Winter - Civil-coop - Year 5
2019/2020 - Winter - Civil - Year 4

Sections & Respective Instructors

B1 - 2024/2025 - Winter - Mohamed Al-Hussein
B1 - 2023/2024 - Winter - Ming Lu & Vicente A. González
B1 - 2022/2023 - Winter - Mohamed Al-Hussein
B1 - 2021/2022 - Winter - Mohamed Al-Hussein
B1 - 2020/2021 - Winter - Mohamed Al-Hussein
B1 - 2019/2020 - Winter - Mohamed Al-Hussein & S.C (Jessy) Kang