MinE 295

Introduction to Mining Engineering


Mining concepts and terminology, company operations, stages of mining, unit mining operations, surface and underground mine development and methods, feasibility studies and mine costs, ethics, equity, sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Learning Outcomes

Compare different deposit types for different minerals
Explain the lifecycle of a mining operation to non-experts
Summarize the viability of surface and underground mining methods
Discuss the importance and societal relevance of Mining
Perform basic cash flow calculations and economic analyses

Lecture Seminar Lab Credits Total AU
3 0/1 3/2 3.75 47.25
M % NS % CS % ES % ED %
0 0 0 45 55

None defined

None defined

  • Communication skills

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Undergraduate Program(s)

2024/2025 - Fall - Mining - Year 2
2023/2024 - Fall - Mining - Year 2
2022/2023 - Fall - Mining - Year 2
2021/2022 - Fall - Mining - Year 2
2020/2021 - Fall - Mining - Year 2
2019/2020 - Fall - Mining - Year 2

Sections & Respective Instructors

A1 - 2024/2025 - Fall - Clayton Deutsch
A1 - 2023/2024 - Fall - Clayton Deutsch
A1 - 2022/2023 - Fall - Clayton Deutsch
A1 - 2021/2022 - Fall - Clayton Deutsch
A1 - 2020/2021 - Fall - Clayton Deutsch
A1 - 2019/2020 - Fall - Clayton Deutsch