PetE 377

Modelling in Petroleum Engineering


Basics of numerical reservoir simulation and numerical solution of partial differential equations. Simulation methods as applied to specific problems in petroleum reservoir behavior. Applications on primary, secondary and tertiary recovery phases of petroleum production using commercial simulation packages.
Prerequisite: PET E 295 or PET E 373, Corequisite: CH E 374.
PET E 377 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in PET E 477.

Learning Outcomes

Derive governing equations for modeling single- and two-phase flow in subsurface porous media with appropriate boundary and initial conditions
Formulate finite-difference and finite-volume approximations for solutions of partial differential equations
Compare solutions obtained from numerical and analytical techniques
Acquire a working knowledge of commercial reservoir simulation packages
Select input parameters for numerical simulation
Formulate simulation models representing the static (geological) and dynamic (flow) data, as well as their uncertainties.
Design, as part of the team open-ended design project, an optimal field development plan for an improved oil recovery process using simulation tools.

Lecture Seminar Lab Credits Total AU
3 0/1 0/1 3 37.8
M % NS % CS % ES % ED %
0 0 0 75 25
  • Investigation
  • Use of engineering tools
  • Individual and team work

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Undergraduate Program(s)

2024/2025 - Winter - Pete-coop - Year 3
2024/2025 - Winter - Pete - Year 3
2023/2024 - Winter - Pete-coop - Year 3
2023/2024 - Winter - Pete - Year 3

Sections & Respective Instructors

A1 - 2024/2025 - Winter - Tamer Moussa
A1 - 2023/2024 - Winter - Japan Trivedi