MinE 413

Surface Mining Methods and Operations Management


Principles and application of surface mining methods (mechanical, aqueous, and continuous surface mining methods). Production and productivity considering the generation of mine specific landform structures. Loading and hauling systems. Water drainage systems. Haul road design and maintenance. Waste dump and tailings facility design and management. Closure and reclamation.
Prerequisites: MIN E 310, 330, 323, and 325

Learning Outcomes

Differentiate and explain the differences between the different types of surface mining methods.
Identify and evaluate core risks in each surface mining method
Identify the surface mining method most appropriate for ore extraction from a given deposit based on consideration of cost and market conditions, ore grades and stripping ratios, access, environmental limitations, and available infrastructure
Recognize, describe, and evaluate different mine waste structures
Identify and describe roles within the team while being a responsible and respectful member of the team by completing all expected tasks and actively contributing to team discussions

Lecture Seminar Lab Credits Total AU
3 0/1 3/2 3.75 47.25
M % NS % CS % ES % ED %
0 0 0 70 30

None defined

  • Individual and team work

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Undergraduate Program(s)

2024/2025 - Fall - Mining - Year 5
2023/2024 - Fall - Mining - Year 5
2022/2023 - Fall - Mining - Year 5
2021/2022 - Fall - Mining - Year 5
2020/2021 - Fall - Mining - Year 5
2019/2020 - Fall - Mining - Year 5

Sections & Respective Instructors

A1 - 2024/2025 - Fall - Yashar Pourrahimian
A1 - 2023/2024 - Fall - Yashar Pourrahimian
A1 - 2022/2023 - Fall - Yashar Pourrahimian
A1 - 2021/2022 - Fall - Yashar Pourrahimian
A1 - 2020/2021 - Fall - Yashar Pourrahimian
A1 - 2019/2020 - Fall - Yashar Pourrahimian