Calendar Change Related Resources
Calendar Change Related Resources
If a calendar change is required due to changes to existing courses, adding new course(s), or program change, please contact the Curriculum Development Officer ( to obtain the calendar change form template and requirements for supporting material.
If the course to be changed/added is in a subdiscipline, please make sure to first inform the respective Academic Planning Committee (APC) representative. The APC representative meets with their group to discuss the course change form, and approve it. Upon group approval, the calendar change will then go through the following approval paths:
For undergraduate courses / graduate programs:
Department APC –> Faculty APC –> Engineering Coordinating Committee (ECC)
For graduate courses / graduate programs:
Department APC –> Department GPC –> Faculty GPC –> Faculty APC –> ECC
After ECC, the changes go to the calendar to be implemented. The deadline to introduce changes to the calendar is usually December – so, any changes should be approved by the ECC meeting in November.
Note that the calendar change form may be sent back for revisions or corrections at any stage of the process.